The Tools You Need

Elite Diagnostic Imaging Service

Get an MRI or CT scan in days, not months. With Elite Diagnostic Imaging Service (EDIS) from Teladoc Medical Experts, wait times are reduced to a matter of days (72 hours) so that you and your physician can quickly move forward with diagnosis and treatment.

Other services that are included are Expert Medical Opinion, Find a Doctor, Care Finder and Personal Health Navigator.

The cost of enrolment is $365 (GST included) per year. This cost covers you, your spouse and any children living at home or away at school.

  • Individuals must be under the age of 65 to qualify for enrolment.
  • New members are added at the beginning of each month.
  • 90 day waiting period for MRI and CT scans from date of enrolment.
  • Minimum 2 year enrolment commitment.

Enrolment for EDIS is simple. Contact Kelly via email  or calling 403-234-0004

Estate at Ease

Are you an executor of someone’s estate and have no idea where to begin? The death of a loved one brings grief and overwhelming paperwork. Estate at Ease is a service offered through Canada Life that can help make the process easier and more manageable. Estate at Ease prepares forms and documents to help settle an estate.

In just four steps, Estate at Ease guides the process of settling an estate:

  • Initial 30-minute phone call – an Estate at Ease associate calls you to learn more about your loved one’s estate and identify the documents you will require
  • Review and identify – they’ll review hundreds of items and identify those relevant to the estate and even safeguard the estate against identity fraud
  • Complete the paperwork – they will prepare the documents for your signature and mail them to you
  • Sign and mail – you sign the documents and mail them in a postage-paid pre-addressed envelope

A full year of Estate at Ease costs $510 (plus applicable taxes) per estate. This entitles you to an unlimited number of documents, letters or phone calls.

Let Estate at Ease help to remove the burden and unnecessary stress by contacting or calling 1-800-904-0092.


myHSA is a Private Health Services Plan (PHSP) also known as a Health Spending Account (HSA). It is a plan that allows incorporated business owners to pay and deduct 100% of your health and dental expenses in a tax-effective and cost-efficient manner. It has an extensive list of eligible expenses with online plan administration and claims. It can be used on its own or in combination with group insurance coverage. Download the information sheet.

There is no setup fee and 10% administration fee on claims and tax. There are no premium payments and non-taxable benefits.

What is a Flexible Spending Account?

The Advantages of myFlexplan

List of eligible HSA expenses

Sample list of eligible WSA items

Freedom to Choose

Are you self-employed, soon to retire or a contract worker, who is not covered by a workplace benefits plan? Do you want health and dental insurance for your family? Canada Life’s Freedom to Choose health and dental plans can set you up with a health insurance plan that will fit your need and has you covered.

There are two options that provide three choices each. For those who have existing medical concerns you can select from 3 guaranteed issue options. For those willing to submit medical information you can select from 3 underwritten options.

Freedom to Choose can also fill the gap between your provincial health plan coverage and what you pay out of pocket.

If you are self-employed, contract workers, retiring, nearing retirement or about to lose your current coverage, or leaving prior coverage. Freedom to Choose is great for individuals looking for personal or family health and dental coverage.

There is a selection of plans to suit you and fit your needs, to learn about Canada Life’s Freedom to Choose Guaranteed to Issue or underwritten options  health Insurance plans.